About us

On our website, information from autistic people for autistic people is brought together. Here we share the knowledge that has been gathered over decades of experience. As an association, White Unicorn e.V. develops projects and scientifically verifies what has proven to be practically applicable and sustainable. Together we are committed to developing a barrier-free, autistic-friendly environment and to actively creating social environments. For this purpose, we have established a working hypothesis, as can be studied on our site under the menu topics. You are welcome to contact us!

"Deutsche Fernschule"

The German Distance Learning School provides schooling for German-speaking students worldwide through state-certified distance learning according to German educational standards. In exceptional cases, distance learning is also possible in Germany. As part of the integration support for autistic children, distance learning courses are run in cooperation with White Unicorn e.V.. This is particularly beneficial for children with sensory difficulties, as barriers to learning can be overcome in distance learning.

Going Gold - for the acceptance of autistic people

With the international action "Going Gold" we show that we are part of the autistic communities in the sense of diversity. We stand by the modern principles of neurodiversity and thus the autistic way of being. The communities of authentic autistic people speak out against the suppression of autistic identity.

Identity-first Autistic

The intention of Identity-First Autistic is to replace the outdated assumption that "person-first" language (person with autism and not autistic person) is the politically correct language when talking about any physical, mental or neurological condition. We should not have to say "person" first to remind ourselves that autistic people are people.

Transparency is important to us

In order to make the work of third sector organisations comprehensible and transparent, the Transparency Charter was formulated and signed for the first time on 5 October 2009. Since we see transparency as the basis for trust in the work of non-profit organisations, associations and foundations, we have also signed and committed ourselves to this.

We are autism

A non-profit organisation run by autistic people for autistic people does not only meet with approval. Among other things, this is due to the established institutions that have promoted segregation for decades - and are still doing so today. Our association, the White Unicorn e.V., would like to set an example by participating in the campaign of the blog Reality Filter "We are autism". The majority of autistic people are not in agreement with what "the lobby", especially of parents, has planned for autistic people. A lobby of parents, professionals and very few autistic people who do not like themselves - as autistic people. Autistic people can speak for themselves and they will. It is a human right to be heard as who you are. Those who don't do that are violating that right themselves.

We wish you an informative visit here on our site!